SCEA Domaine La Cabanne SNZ
32 Rue Antoine de Saint Exupéry
33660 Saint-Seurin sur l’Isle
Tél : +33 (0)
Email :
Horaires d'accueil du public :
9h-17h du lundi au vendredi week-end et jours fériés sur rdv
Site owner
Official name : CHATEAU LA FAVIERE
Business name : SAS STANZINGER
Address : 32 Rue Antoine de Saint Exupéry 33660 Saint-Seurin sur l’Isle
SIRET : 848 379 061 00015
N° TVA Intra FR 76 848379061
Tél : 33 (0)
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Wix Inc.
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Téléphone : +1 415-639-9034.
The right to privacy and to access or amend personal data
Château La Favière applies a privacy policy. We may, in the interests of offering you appropriate services, ask you for personal information. We are committed to respecting your privacy and protecting the information you provide us with. Personal data received on the website is for our use only. It is confidential and will be treated as such; it will under no circumstances be passed on to a third party. In accordance with the Law on IT and Liberty of 6 January 1978, you have the right to access, edit, correct and delete any personal data you may have provided to us. You may exercise this right by sending an email to or a letter to Château La Favière, 32 rue Antoine de St Exupéry, 33660 Saint-Seurin sur l’Isle. By "Personal Data", we mean any information that allows a person to be identified. This will generally be a name, address, telephone number or email address. If you have signed up to email information services, i.e. the Newsletter, you may ask to be removed from the mailing list, either using the method described above, or by following the instructions contained at the end of the email sent to you.
For any information on the protection of personal information, you can visit the IT and Liberty Commission website ( Château La Favière may sometimes use cookies. Cookies do not allow us to identify you, but allow us to collect general information when you visit our site. This tells us what parts of the website you are interested in. This will help Château La Favière to identify your interests in order to send you information suitable for your needs. The cookies also prevent your having to repeat information that you have already given us insofar as they remember that you have given the information in the past. You are able to detect the presence of the cookies and to delete them if you so wish. You can also refuse to allow cookies to be saved on your computer by deactivating this function in your browser's settings (see CNIL website for details).
Links to other sites
The links on the Château La Favière website lead to sites created by companies or people over which Château La Favière has no control. Château La Favière may under no circumstances be held accountable for the content of these sites or their utilisation by users.
Intellectual property - respect for copyright
Accessing our site offers you the right to its private, non-exclusive use. All information published on the site, including text, photographs, infographics, logos, brands, etc, constitute works, as defined by the French Intellectual Property Code. Any representation or reproduction thereof, either in whole or in part, without the consent of their authors or their beneficiaries, is therefore prohibited.
SCEA Domaine La Cabanne SNZ
32 Rue Antoine de Saint Exupéry
33660 Saint-Seurin sur l’Isle
Tel : +33 (0)
Mail :
Openinhg hours of public:
9am-5pm Monday to Friday weekends and holidays by appointment